Deter Underage Alcohol Sales. Give Staff Confidence To Ask for ID

Age check technology

Are staff confident enforcing your age check policy? ?? In a recent study humans misjudged 38% of 16-year-old boys and 56% of 16-year-old girls to be over 18. Age check technology is proven to be a more accurate than human estimations and can be used as a tool to assist servers or completely automate the age check process.

Even when implementing Challenge 25, staff could vastly misinterpret someone's age without knowing it.  As well as helping hospitality venues conform to age check policies and regulations, age check technology can also give servers an extra layer of security and prevents any potential confrontation when asking customers for ID. Our research and trials demonstrate that it can also act as a noticeable reduction in underage people even attempting to purchase age restricted items, as they see our technology as a clear and obvious deterrent.   

Anonymous age checks

MyCheckr gives staff a clear indication when a manual ID check is recommended for age restricted sales. Ideal for responsible licensees in hospitality venues selling alcohol, MyCheckr can help protect your staff, performing anonymous age estimation with accuracy and speed. 

A standalone age check device equipped with a camera and screen MyCheckr turns green if the customer passes the age check, and red if they appear underage and an ID check is recommended. All completely anonymously with results in seconds. No data stored so privacy is assured. No internet is required and there’s no subscription costs.

Inhouse targeted adverts

As well as being a useful aid to restaurant and bar staff, the screen can be used to display age appropriate adverts / promotions creating a potential revenue stream. Ads can be targeted based on age and / or gender to tailor offerings to different demographic groups. 

Elevate operations with consumer analytics

Anonymous consumer analytics are also available to provide a better understanding of customer behaviour and help with staff rotas. 


The age check technology can also be integrated into a self-service kiosk or POS terminal to fully automate the age check process.



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